Health and Safety


Internet safety is a major concern when our students are connected to a device. 

Each teacher in grades 5-8 uses GoGuardian software, allowing them to see and interact with each of their student's devices so that they are always on task, safe, and productive. 

Guidance Counseling Services

Mr. Robert Cummings -

The reason for the Guidance Counseling Services is to assist students, parents, and teachers in making good decisions in psychological, sociological, emotional, and academic areas. The guidance department is a service made available to students to request information, guidelines and referrals where appropriate. Guidance counseling services are available to all students in Holy Child Jesus Catholic Academy by a certified counselor provided by the Program for the Development of Human Potential, Diocese of Brooklyn.

Safety/Crisis Management

Authorization to Release in an Emergency

General Response Protocols

As we continue to work on school security, we will conduct safety drills which will include: evacuation, lock-down, and shelter-in.  Below is a brief description of each.


Fire Drill, Evacuation –students will leave the school building and return when a signal is given from the office that all is clear.

 We have three sites to which we can evacuate depending on the situation.   8 Evacuation drills are conducted each school year.

  1. Holy Child Jesus Church
  2. PS. 56
  3. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Academy


Hard lockdown for armed intruders- door locked, students remain silent in classrooms, away from the door-until all clear announcement is given. 4 Lockdown drills are held each year.

Shelter In:        

When there is a threat outside of the building all faculty/staff/students remain in the building- conduct business as usual—no one is permitted to enter or leave the building. 

The teachers will prepare the students for these safety drills – some will be announced in advance. The purpose is to reassure the students that we are conducting these activities for their safety and well- being.  Please speak with your child(ren) about these drills.  Help us to reinforce their importance and seriousness but also stress that they are practice drills.

In the event of an actual emergency, we will utilize the Parent Alert System through FACTS SIS, the school website, and social media to inform you of the situation.

Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date.  If you have not been receiving texts and emails from  FACTS/Renweb, please contact the school office.


Medical Records/Medication:

All student medical records must be up-to-date according to NYS mandated requirements.  Any student not in compliance with these mandates will not be admitted to class until proof has been obtained by the school.  

2024 Immunization Requirements    Spanish

All Medical Forms for Nursery, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 6th, 7th and up-to-date Medical requirements for all new students are due back in the school office the last week in August.  Failure to comply will obstruct class attendance until all requirements are satisfied.

Health Form 2024

NO SHOTS-NO SCHOOL POLICY IS IN EFFECT for the good health of everyone at HCJ Catholic Academy.  NYS Immunization requirements are posted on our website. 

Contagious Medical Condition Guidelines

If nits/lice, bedbug bites, ringworm, childhood diseases etc. are suspected or discovered, parents will be notified by the school nurse and the student will be sent home to be treated and cared for and will not be admitted to school without a doctors clearance note stating the child is not contagious to other children and adults.

  1. Immunization Requirements  Spanish

    A healthy school setting gives all students the best chance to learn and grow. Vaccines are very important to this effort. They protect children from getting and spreading diseases that can make them very sick. For this reason, we require children aged 2-months to 18-years-old who are entering or attending child care, public school, or private school be vaccinated against certain diseases.

    The number of vaccine doses your child needs may vary. It depends on:

    • grade,
    • age
    • medical history, and
    • if they have gotten vaccine doses before.
    • Talk to your child’s health care provider for more information.              
      Medication:   Asthma Form  Asthma Spanish    Allergy Form  Allergy Form Spanish    General Medication Form   General Medication Spanish
      In accordance with New York State Education Law, only a registered nurse may administer medication. School personnel cannot dispense medication. Parents of students needing medication during the school day are asked to leave the medication with our school nurse. The medication should have the child’s name and instructions clearly explaining the frequency and times of dispensing. The medication must be left in the nurses office. However, there must be a completed Form 504 which must include information from the childs doctor. Students may self- medicate under the supervision of the nurse with doctors documentation. No student may carry medication of any type on their person or in their possessions. Parents/guardians must assume responsibility for administering medication when a nurse is not on site
  2. We ask that you provide your childs teacher and the school nurse with written communication regarding life threatening allergies. We do have students with severe peanut allergies; please refrain from sending in snacks or lunches containing peanuts or peanut products.
  3. If your child is taking medication for a medical condition, please provide us with the name of the medication(s) and any possible serious interactions or side effects.
  4. Emergency Contact: Each child must return 2 emergency cards during the first week of school. (One card goes to the Nurse.) It is the parents responsibility to complete this form accurately and see that the information is kept up to date.
  5. Hearing and vision tests are conducted as prescribed by the New York City Health Department regulations. If medical attention is deemed necessary, the parents will be alerted.
  6. Sickness: Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick. Children who become ill in school will be sent to the Nurses Office or Secretary's Office and a parent or designated representative will be contacted. When a child is forced to leave school because of illness, only the parent or an adult designated by the parent may pick up the child.

Keeping Sick Children Home

  • Any child with a fever of 100 degrees or higher, and/or two or more flu-like symptoms must be kept home for 24 hours after a normal temperature has returned.
  • If a child has a fever in the morning before school, he/she should not be given Tylenol, or any other medication and sent to school.
  • Any child with vomiting or diarrhea should be kept home for 24 hours after the last symptom.
  • Pink eye is contagious a child must have a doctor's note to return to school.
  1. Injuries: A doctor's note is required for any child who comes to school wearing a splint, cast or other appliance. A medical note is also required for any restrictions on physical activities. This includes restrictions and limits for gym, movement and outdoor recess.
  2. Dental requirements: It is a parent's responsibility to bring their child to the dentist on a yearly basis. The parents should furnish the school with a dental note.
  3.  Medical excuses: When a student experiences an injury or illness that affects his/her ability to perform at his/her maximum level, the school is to receive written notification and medical documentation of the students condition so that we can make needed accommodations.

The Flu: A Guide for Parents

Please click here to find information regarding the Flu from the New York State DOH Bureau of Immunization.