Important Links

FACTS Parents Portal

FACTS SIS Family Portal: District Code  HC-NY

  1. Creating a Parent Portal Account in FACTS SIS
  2. Spanish | Family Portal Access
  3. Creating a Health Screening on the Family Portal
  4. Creating a Cell Phone Link to complete the Student Daily Health Screening Form

After School Care Registration 2024 – 2025:



General Education Transportation

Bus Request Form

According to Chancellor’s Regulation A-801, transportation eligibility for children who are not mandated for specialized transportation because of their IEP (Individualized Education Program), is determined on the basis of the student’s grade level and the distance between the student’s residence and school.

Guide: Information for Parents & families (GE Transportation)



  • 8th Algebra I Regents Application


After School Clubs

Parent Events and Fundraisers

Thanksgiving Pie Sale

  • Pie Sale Letter 2024 English
  • Pie Sale Letter 2024 Spanish
  • 2024 Pie Sale Order Form Eng-Span